Unforgettable - Douglasville Birth Photographer

Yesterday, I saw more than I have ever seen before, through the lens of my camera.  
And I will never forget it.

This is my friend Kristi and her newborn baby, Jonah.  Jonah was born on November 5, at just 29 weeks.  Kristi went through months of physical and emotional trials trying to keep this little guy safe and to reach the goal of carrying him at least to 28 weeks.  After a traumatic birth,
Jonah was born weighing only 3 pounds.  He immediately needed help breathing and was swept away to the NICU.
He has been very well cared for since then...struggling, but making progress.

These pictures were taken on November 10, 2010.  Jonah is 5 days old 
& this was the very first time Kristi got to hold her baby boy.

I have had the wonderful opportunity to know Kristi personally and call her my friend.
Over the past few years, I have been blessed by her consistent strength and faith in God's plan for her life,
even  through the tough times.
Jonah's arrival has been no different.  I am amazed at how she is handling this with such grace.

I was honored when I got the call from her, asking if I "wouldn't mind" coming to the hospital to take a few pictures of this special event.  I have prayed so hard for this family for months, as so many in our community have.  When I heard that she had delivered so early my heart ached for Kristi, her family and that sweet baby boy.  I have prayed specifically for something I could do to ease the pain they have been experiencing.
I wanted to "help," but didn't know how.
Her request for pictures was, selfishly, my chance to do something as an expression of support & concern for what she was enduring.
In the end...I was hugely blessed by this tender moment.

Words will never be able to express the true emotional bond being shared between mother & son in these images.
The more she spoke to him in a gentle and quivering voice...the more he fought to open his eyes to look for her.
It was so obvious that he knew is mother's voice.

I was so happy for Kristi and little Jonah...for this moment that they shared.

The tears of joy that I saw on Kristi's cheeks will forever be etched in my mind.

And the amazing gift of touch that God has given these 2 after such a long battle
was wonderful to watch {and capture for them to remember forever}!

Little Jonah is truly a miracle and my friend Kristi is such a heroic mother!

I have never been more grateful for my talent and my opportunity to give it away {through images} as I was at that moment.  I was so unbelievably appreciative to have my camera in my hand and the knowledge of how to use it when these images were created.

I continue to ask for prayers for this family & little Jonah as they struggle through the next few months.  
Jonah will remain in the NICU until at least mid-January 
They have 2 other children to take care of & the hospital is 45 minutes away from their home.  

For now, through my tears of joy, 
I praise God for opportunities to serve, 
opportunities to see His amazing work and love before my eyes {and camera}, 
for the faith and strength shared in this incredible family, 
and for that tiny little miracle...named Jonah.

I can not wait to photograph his first birthday...what a joy that day will be!


Faith Hope Love Photography said...

Oh for beautiful...what a special gift he was and what a special gift you gave...I would love to have this opportunity one day. I can't wait to see his one year pictures either!!

MissingMyIsaac said...

Oh, Kim. Just when I thought I couldn't cry any more tears today.

My heart is overwhelmed by all these sweet words. I am so blessed to have you as my friend.

You know these images are priceless to me. And YES YES YES what a celebration we will have for his first birthday! I can't wait either!

From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for the love you've shown to my family.


Unknown said...

My babies were both born at 4 lbs and this brought tears to my eyes that you were so willing to help her capture this amazing moment on film. She will cherish these forever. THanks for being an amazing friend to her. :)

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